Dear Little One,
This week you are officially two months old. You are a smiley, giggly, farty, wiggly thing at a wopping 11 pounds and 23 inches.
It's been a rough couple of weeks because we moved to Las Vegas, and between the chaos of the move and just being a baby, you have had to adjust to your very own bedroom, different smells, textures and people. On top of all this, you had to have your vaccinations yesterday, three shots in the legs. You screamed like I've never heard before. But you toughened up and got through it like a champ. I am so proud of you.
Grandma and Anita just left after visiting for a couple of days and helping us settle in to our new residence. It was very helpful to have them here and daddy and I actually had a date. We haven't had one of those in over two months, so it was a fun outing.
You have made friends with the ceiling fans and airconditioning grates in this house. Makes me laugh. We've affectionately named the fans Windy, Fanny and Blade. Every morning you coo and smile at the fans. It's nice that they keep you entertained (even though I've dropped quite a bit of money on toys and gadgets to entertain you that you are not at all interested in).
You have taken to the bathtub. So much so, you cry when I take you out. You are going to be a fish. Maybe the next Michael Phelps - but no pressure. I asked the doctor when I can take you in the pool and we need to wait a few more months. I am dying to take you in the pool with me.
You're pooping as I write this... it's a noisy one.
I love you so much, Hadley. I'm enjoying watching you grow and develop. Every day there is something new and I can't wait to see what tomorrow holds.
Much love,