Tuesday, March 4, 2008

20 Weeks and Counting

I've officially hit the five month mark and I still can't believe it.  In 20 more weeks (yah, that crazy lunar calendar thing), I will be a mommy!  We will be parents.  We will be responsible for another life.  A precious life.  A life we created.  I couldn't be more thrilled!

A career driven, self-proclaimed work-aholic, life took me by the shoulders this year and gave me a big shake...  

Not only did I meet the man I am wildly in love with, will soon be calling my husband and we are also expecting our first little one, but my father was diagnosed with a nasty form of cancer and lost his battle in late January.  We are literally dealing with life's extremes - life and death.  Fortunately, my father knew he was going to be a grandpa for the first time and he had a wonderful time bragging about our new family members (Baby and Proud Papa).  In fact, he asked me about the baby often days before his passing.  I feel like this little being that is growing (and now starting to kick) inside of me has a very special bond with her (or his - threw that one in for you Proud Papa) grandpa and I couldn't be more thrilled given the circumstances this little being has already had to go through.

Enough of the sad stuff...

Pregnancy has been an interesting journey for me.  I've always wanted children, often thought I would adopt, but inside knew I wanted to experience the magic that is pregnancy someday. However, it scared me.  And here we are, taking it day by day, symptom by symptom, increasing waist and boobs, while begging my mommy friends to spare me the scary details until I absolutely must know.  Fears aside, I couldn't be more excited or more ready for the adventure that is parenthood (and really, the pregnancy thing hasn't been as frightening as I built it up to be in my head - though, the belly-button popping out thing freaks me out!)!

The first few months were interesting...  well, I should say food became an interesting challenge.  Chicken turned disgusting and activated the gag reflex.  Caffeine cravings were grueling.  No alcohol. No sushi. No soft cheese. Suddenly, I am eating like a three year old - cheese pizza, PB&J, apples, juice, crackers and ice cream.  Oh, and what is the craving for Sour Patch Kids about?

Crazy appetite aside, baby has been doing as well as could be!  The heart beat is strong and easy to find.  The risk for having any genetic diseases couldn't be lower.  And the last ultrasound (almost) two weeks a go gave us some wonderful picture of our little one.  We are told that our "baby is growing good."  However, we were disappointed when the little one wouldn't show us her/his "bits" (as Papa J likes to call it).  Well, he/she wasn't really being modest, the umbilical chord was blocking where the parts are.  Now, we are so excited that we have made an appointment at a fancy 4D ultrasound place who can do a gender identification for us.

This post is the first of many on our "Pregnant Bellyaching" blog.  Expect posts from me, The Pregnant Bellyacher (mom-to-be) as well as Proud Papa (dad-to-be).  He has some interesting counters on how to deal with a hormonal, food finicky pregnant woman.  So please check in on our bellyaching from time to time!  Should be entertaining. 

Bye for now!
- The Pregnant Bellyacher (PB)

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