"I'm sending you directly to the hospital."
I am certain my blood pressure sky rocketed at that point. The hospital?
So off I went to the 15th floor L&D department at UCSF to see what was going on. I was hustled to a tiny little room, told to disrobe and put this band around my belly that would serve to hold a fetal monitor. They had me pee in a cup (again), drew some blood and took my blood pressure every 10 minutes, which ended up being considerably lower than what it was at the clinic.
After testing everything and the baby and myself were deemed healthy, I was sent home with a bladder looking thing, a toilet pan and a basin to collect my pee for the next 24 hours. I get to go back tomorrow to turn in my "chilled" (yes, must keep it cold) urine and to do another BP test.
It was fun to spend an hour or so listening to Hadley's heart beat. She even had some hiccups that I got to listen to, also.
Advice to moms-to-be... If you are every faced with a similar issue, being sent to the hospital at 38 weeks is not as scary as it seems at first. Don't panic. Worst case scenario, they would have had to induce and our little bundle would have been a Fourth of July baby!
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