Monday, June 2, 2008

Dear Little One #8

Dear Little One,

I just can't get over how strong you are.  I feel you moving about all the time and I now understand what it feels like to have your feet tangled in my rib cage.  You are growing so much now and I can hardly believe you will be here in a little over six weeks.  I am anxious for you to come, but make a good effort to stay put for a few more weeks, despite my anxiousness.

We just returned from a long trip away from daddy.  We met your grandma, uncle and great aunt in Grand Junction Colorado to work on cleaning out your grandpa's house, as well as scattering his ashes.  The trip was emotional and laborious, but very very successful.  

We put your grandpa to rest at the top of a hill that backs up to his home, known as the First Sister.  I wasn't sure how well you and I would trek up that hill (it was much larger than just a hill), but we were successful in our hike (we actually beat everyone to the top).  The scattering was perfect.  A handful of his closest friends and family.  We each took handfuls of his ashes and threw them into the wind.  As we watched it swirl into the atmosphere, you could almost see his face.  It's just how he would have wanted it.  I miss him so much.  I wish he were here to experience your development and meet you in a few short weeks.

After we finished up in Grand Junction, we all drove to his home in Las Vegas to drop a few things off and rest for the night.  We will be moving here soon and I had fun looking at what will be your new bedroom.  There is a lot of space for the three of us, and even room for visitors.  There is also a pool and a big grassy yard for you to play.

The next morning, we came back to Southern California for our baby shower.  It was a lovely event at Tree's house.  The day was beautiful, the company was awesome and we received so many wonderful things to help us get ready for your arrival.  I can't believe how many things you will require.

Daddy started reading to you last night.  We don't know how much you will absorb (we might be overly excited to start doing this), but we think it is important to start now.  We are having fun picking out books for you and we hope you will enjoy them as much as we do.

Hadley, keep on kicking me and showing me that you are there.  I am so excited for you to arrive, but you much stay inside for a little while longer.  We are in the home stretch here (and I am literally stretching by the day), before we know it we will be in the Maternity department of UCSF hours from your arrival.  Till then, be warm and safe.

I love you.


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