Thursday, June 19, 2008

Dear Little One #9

Dear Little One,

You are (roughly) four weeks away from making your appearance into, what it will seem, a big scary world.  The bassinet and stroller are assembled, the car seat is standing by, daddy and I (think) we know how to put a diaper on you, we have lots of clothes and, bottom line, lots of excitement and love to share with you.  I can't believe you will soon be cradled in my arms instead of in my belly.

We saw the midwife the other day and we are told that everything looks good.  She did an ultrasound, so we got a quick peak at you.  You showed us your face, but then quickly covered it up with your little hands.  We were a little disappointed to not see you more clearly, but the wonderful news is that you are in position to be born - head down!  In another week you will be full term, so you can come at anytime!  But please stay inside as long as you need (but I hope you will come in no more than four weeks - mommy and daddy are really anxious). 

I haven't been feeling well the last week.  Was plowed by a cold, but today I am actually starting to feel much better.  I know a lot of my "blahness" is pregnancy symptoms, but its all worth it.  I'm sorry if you have sensed that or are feeling my cold.  I've taken very little medication to help treat it, but had to resort to some safe meds in the last two days to help ease pain and stuffiness to allow me to sleep some.  

Today you are pushing your little bottom out. It rests some against the right side of my rib cage and while I feel you, it is not uncomfortable.  It's funny to watch you move about, though.  Right now my belly is lopsided, but I am sure later this evening you will be bending your knees and kicking your feet.  I think I could sit for hours watching you move below my skin.  Daddy likes to talk to you when you are moving about.  Sometimes, we can drum on my belly and you will kick back.  It may simply be a coincidence, but it's fun to think that you are responding to us.  

Your grandma gave your daddy a camcorder as a father's day gift, I think I will start taping your movements.  Might be a cool thing for you to see when you are older, or you might find it creepy.  You don't have to watch it, if you don't want to, but at least I was able to catch it on DVD.

Hadley, I love you and just can not wait for you to be here!  Keep growing strong, kicking me whenever you'd like so I know you are well.  We will see you very, very soon!

Much love,

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