Tuesday, June 3, 2008

100 Buzz Saws

Snoring... Apparently I've been a buzz saw lately and last night I was 100 buzz saws.  Papa J slept on the couch because of my noisy breathing system.  I feel so bad.  I don't want to be that couple - I am banking on this issue going away after I deliver Hadley when this blood flow that causes my sinus cavities decreases and my uterus isn't sitting on my diaphram.

So I poked around online about this issue in pregnant women and it seems it isn't that uncommon.  However, the Swedes did a study on snoring and pregnant women and came back with some alarming statistics: 

* Some baby's of snoring mom's APGAR score was below 7
* Some baby's of snoring mom's suffer from retardation
* Some baby's of snoring mom's are low birth rate

I realize this is a small percentage and there are many other factors involved (high blood pressure, preclampsia, obesity), but its enough to make you panic as a new mom-to-be.  

The internet can be evil sometimes.

In the mean time, I just spend some cash at the local pharmacy on Breathe Right strips and spray and will fire up the humidifier tonight.

So sorry Papa J.

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