Saturday, June 28, 2008

Dear Little One #10

Mom and I are going to see Wall-E tonight. I love these "kids" movies. I can't wait to show you all the wonderful things to see in life. To watch you stare in amazement and to comment endlessly about all that you've seen and learn. I am a big movie fan and we will see so many of them together. Mom and I were just watching you kick up a storm. You are very strong! I think we are just a few weeks away from you coming out. It's getting very exciting. I love you so much and your mom has been taking great care of you these last nine months. You and I have to take some of the strain off of her when you arrive. How about you let me feed you at night so she can get some sleep? Well, I am off. I will be thinking of you while we watch the cartoon as I am sure there'll be many little girls and boys excited to see the movie as well. Mom is eating us out of house and home and the neighboring restaurants too. You must be going through your final growth spurt. Love you kiddo

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