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Saturday, September 6, 2008
Friday, September 5, 2008
Dear Little One #14
Dear Little One,
This week you are officially two months old. You are a smiley, giggly, farty, wiggly thing at a wopping 11 pounds and 23 inches.
It's been a rough couple of weeks because we moved to Las Vegas, and between the chaos of the move and just being a baby, you have had to adjust to your very own bedroom, different smells, textures and people. On top of all this, you had to have your vaccinations yesterday, three shots in the legs. You screamed like I've never heard before. But you toughened up and got through it like a champ. I am so proud of you.
Grandma and Anita just left after visiting for a couple of days and helping us settle in to our new residence. It was very helpful to have them here and daddy and I actually had a date. We haven't had one of those in over two months, so it was a fun outing.
You have made friends with the ceiling fans and airconditioning grates in this house. Makes me laugh. We've affectionately named the fans Windy, Fanny and Blade. Every morning you coo and smile at the fans. It's nice that they keep you entertained (even though I've dropped quite a bit of money on toys and gadgets to entertain you that you are not at all interested in).
You have taken to the bathtub. So much so, you cry when I take you out. You are going to be a fish. Maybe the next Michael Phelps - but no pressure. I asked the doctor when I can take you in the pool and we need to wait a few more months. I am dying to take you in the pool with me.
You're pooping as I write this... it's a noisy one.
I love you so much, Hadley. I'm enjoying watching you grow and develop. Every day there is something new and I can't wait to see what tomorrow holds.
Much love,
Monday, August 18, 2008
Dear Little One #13
Dear Little One,
Today marks your sixth week with us. I can't believe how much you have changed - every day something a little different or a new fascination. I love that you are intrigued with the mini-blinds, the little bedside lamp on the bed and invisible things on the wall. You seem to self entertain more and are curious about what is around you, which is wonderful to watch and is also giving us more time to multi-task.
You also enjoy sitting up and working on holding your head up. I am amazed at how strong you are at such a young age. Of course, our hands are right there to catch you when you get tired. You are even baring weight on your little legs and we can see you muscles working.
Right now you are sleeping in a little wad next to me on the bed. I love watching you sleep. I love watching you cry, but I love watching you sleep more for obvious reasons. You are so peaceful, the weight of the world has not yet jaded you. Don't let it. Life has its ups and downs, its rough times and great times. Remember it is a rollercoaster and with every down, there will be an up. Don't let those downs keep you down so you never recognize the ups, because there are so many more ups.
This has been a baby week! Two little girls have been born to two of my friends. I hope that you will all meet some day and have a play date. I can't wait to see you interact with other children, but I know that is a little bit down the road, probably after you have gained control of your arms and legs.
Hadley, I love you so much! You make me smile constantly (even when your daddy thinks I'm angry because of my scowl).
Much love,
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Dear Little One #12
Dear Hadley,
This week you are five weeks old. Its only been five weeks I know, but I just can't believe how quickly you have grown and developed - they weren't kidding when they said babies grow fast. You are no longer our little 6lb bundle, you are now 9 1/2 lbs and near 22 inches long. You are growing beautifully and the doctor's keep assuring your nervous mama that you are perfectly healthy (we've had two "nervous mommy" visits - this is why we spend the big bucks on insurance).
You are a breast feeding champ now! So much so, its all you want to do. You have set up a tent and camp on the boob. Daddy is giving you a bottle of formula in the evenings so my body can catch up and take a break. I'm happy you are an eating machine, but I do want you to be content and happy taking bottles from other people, so this is a good plan.
We are in the thick of the six week fussies, which isn't fun, especially at bed time. Today I let you cry yourself to sleep while I got ready to go out. It broke my heart, especially when you were still trying to catch your breath after your dropped off to sleep. I know crying is good for you, but its such a tough thing to hear. I'm sorry little one, but we will probably need to do this more often, but know that we are here and love you very very much.
You took a nap with me today after eating. You have been able to roll onto your side for a long time, and I found you on your tummy sleeping peacefully when I woke up. It seems like you are advancing at a rapid pace, which we are thrilled, but also worried that you might smother yourself. Please be careful and wait to be on your tummy when daddy or I are with you.
We are moving away from San Francisco in a week to a house in Las Vegas. I love it here and will miss our friends, but I know this move will be a healthy one financially. It's only for two years, you probably wont even remember living there, and then we will go somewhere great with good schools for you. There is a pool, which will be fun when you are a little bigger. You have big feet like your mom's and we are convinced you will be a swimmer.
Hadley, I love you so much. Even when I'm with you, I miss you.
Much love,
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Lunatic Mama
Hormones are fun.
Let me rephrase that...
Hormones and no sleep is fun!
I've been a tearful wreck. I'm not depressed, just exhausted, and these whacky hormones make me cry over everything - the good and the bad. I know other women know exactly what I am talking about, it just is and its frustrating because you feel stupid about your bout of tears after all is said and done, then you cry that you cried.
I knew baby would change my life and I was (am) ready for it. I just had no idea. I think it has felt more overwhelming because the five days I spent in the hospital were not at all filled with rest. The doctor's and nurses would prescribe sleep, then constantly wake you. So, it's been an entire month without a solid nights sleep for either Papa J or I, and I don't know if that will improve.
Everyone keeps telling me that now is "survival mode" and things will improve in a couple of weeks. I am wondering how. Will I finally get to slumber in the same bed at the same time as Papa J? Will I get to sleep at night like everyone else? Or will I be forced to constantly sneak in cat naps here and there so I can breast feed the little one every two hours.
Just curious how this pans out...
Don't get me wrong, Hadley is worth every wink of sleep lost. I just hope that those who are closest to me will be patient while I try to learn to be a normal human being with less sleep.
I'm just tired.
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Dear Little One #11
Dear Hadley,
After many, many hours of labor due to induction two weeks early, you made your appearance. Your daddy and I were exhausted as it had been many frustrating days of trying to delivery you, followed by two and a half hours of pushing, but there you came - all 20 inches and 6.25 pounds of you. You are perfect!
You gave us a little scare, though it didn't end up being anything too serious. You didn't cry ferociously enough to satisfy the doctors, so after a few minutes with us, they wisked you away to the nursery where you were carefully watched by the doctors and nurses. We thought you would have to stay another day, but you came around and were discharged even before I was. We were so happy to take you home with us and to get out of that hospital, where we spent near a week.
The first night home with you was interesting. We didn't sleep a wink, wondering what each sound was that you made. I think we were over exhausted and nervous new parents because the following nights got easier. But once we were assured that you were in fact breathing and figured out our system, we have slowly started to recoup sleep.
Grandma came for your birth as I was very frightened, and came back this week to help out and spend time with you. I loved having her here, as you did. We were both spoiled and it felt good to have mom's touch. You seem to have matured so much in the days she was here, though the changes are subtle, you have become more alert and your routine is much more defined. You will probably be so much more grown up the next time we see her.
I enjoy listening to your daddy with you. He sings and dances while he changes your diaper, which is just ridiculously adorable. He is absolutely in love with you and you are, by all means, daddy's little girl.
Hadley, I never knew I could love someone the way I love you. You love your family and your partner, but having a baby brings on a very different kind of love that I just don't know how to explain. I hope someday you will experience this type of love and your daddy and I can enjoy watching you fall in love with the little people you create with the person of your dreams.
Hadley, thank you for coming into our lives. I will never be able to express what you mean to me. While you were a surprise, you brought something to me and your family that we all needed so. It's been a tough year losing grandpa well before his time, but you offered a light for him and all of us and reset all of our compasses. If, after we die, we go on to heaven or our spirits live on, I like to believe that he is looking down on us, giggling, crying and singing the Love's BBQ song. He asked of you often before he passed away and loved you very much. I will work very hard to make sure you know all about him and how much we all loved him. I was, too, daddy's little girl.
I love you, Hadley.
Dear Little One,
Pregnant Bellyacher
Friday, July 18, 2008
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Monday, July 14, 2008
Thursday, July 10, 2008
She's Here!!!
Hadley was born at 6:52 a.m. 7/8/08. She was 6.25 pounds 20 inches. I think it's a good thing for Cam that she came early because she is one long baby. People say she looks like me which depending on your perspective is either a good or bad thing. She is our little angel though and we love her so much. I fed her her first bottle tonight and it was great to see her down it in less than a minute. She was one thirsty girl. She's been on the boob but the milk production may take another day or so. Cam is doing great. She has had a few visitors. Her feet are swelled and she is sore but no worse for the wear. She was induced for four days so that is a blessing. No tears though so there's that. With our track record Hadley may have a little sibling before too long. Is it weird that I find other baby's crying to be annoying but find Hadley's crying adorable? She can do no wrong by me. Thanks to everyone for their support. We made it. It wasn't how we envisioned it but I wouldn't change a thing. Bye for now.
Hadley's picture is on the bottom of the page!
Hadley's picture is on the bottom of the page!
Saturday, July 5, 2008
At the hospital
The time has come. Cambria has been admitted and we are inducing labor to get this girl to come out already. Cam has preclampsia so she needs to deliver now. It is a tad early but never can be too careful. Man, when we got the call that we needed to come in Cam was shaking. I of course am excited. Then again, I'm not the one that has to squeeze a watermelon through a dime sized hole. Apparently it may be awhile so stay tuned. More reports coming. The baby is fine, Cam is fine. So keep us in your thoughts and send good vibes out to the universe for us.
Thursday, July 3, 2008
We had a little scare today... well, maybe made a bigger deal out of it than it was. I went in for a prenatal appointment and the midwife was concerned about my blood pressure. Everything else looked fine, my blood pressure was elevated.
"I'm sending you directly to the hospital."
I am certain my blood pressure sky rocketed at that point. The hospital?
So off I went to the 15th floor L&D department at UCSF to see what was going on. I was hustled to a tiny little room, told to disrobe and put this band around my belly that would serve to hold a fetal monitor. They had me pee in a cup (again), drew some blood and took my blood pressure every 10 minutes, which ended up being considerably lower than what it was at the clinic.
After testing everything and the baby and myself were deemed healthy, I was sent home with a bladder looking thing, a toilet pan and a basin to collect my pee for the next 24 hours. I get to go back tomorrow to turn in my "chilled" (yes, must keep it cold) urine and to do another BP test.
It was fun to spend an hour or so listening to Hadley's heart beat. She even had some hiccups that I got to listen to, also.
Advice to moms-to-be... If you are every faced with a similar issue, being sent to the hospital at 38 weeks is not as scary as it seems at first. Don't panic. Worst case scenario, they would have had to induce and our little bundle would have been a Fourth of July baby!
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Dear Little One #10
Mom and I are going to see Wall-E tonight. I love these "kids" movies. I can't wait to show you all the wonderful things to see in life. To watch you stare in amazement and to comment endlessly about all that you've seen and learn. I am a big movie fan and we will see so many of them together. Mom and I were just watching you kick up a storm. You are very strong! I think we are just a few weeks away from you coming out. It's getting very exciting. I love you so much and your mom has been taking great care of you these last nine months. You and I have to take some of the strain off of her when you arrive. How about you let me feed you at night so she can get some sleep? Well, I am off. I will be thinking of you while we watch the cartoon as I am sure there'll be many little girls and boys excited to see the movie as well. Mom is eating us out of house and home and the neighboring restaurants too. You must be going through your final growth spurt. Love you kiddo
I woke up this morning STARVING! I'm three weeks away from our due date, so maybe this is the time to be hungry like I am. But this morning was an exception to the norm...
Papa J took me up the street to the Village for breakfast. We tried a new (to us) place, where I consumed a chocolate croissant and a small breakfast burrito. Since my tummy wasn't full, we walked down the street and shared a whole grain waffle with strawberries (which, mind you, I ate most of).
Whoa! Usually the burrito or croissant would have sufficed, but not today. I'm now resting in bed from my eating extravaganza - I just hope it all stays down.
I'm blaming it on Hadley!
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Dear Little One #9
Dear Little One,
You are (roughly) four weeks away from making your appearance into, what it will seem, a big scary world. The bassinet and stroller are assembled, the car seat is standing by, daddy and I (think) we know how to put a diaper on you, we have lots of clothes and, bottom line, lots of excitement and love to share with you. I can't believe you will soon be cradled in my arms instead of in my belly.
We saw the midwife the other day and we are told that everything looks good. She did an ultrasound, so we got a quick peak at you. You showed us your face, but then quickly covered it up with your little hands. We were a little disappointed to not see you more clearly, but the wonderful news is that you are in position to be born - head down! In another week you will be full term, so you can come at anytime! But please stay inside as long as you need (but I hope you will come in no more than four weeks - mommy and daddy are really anxious).
I haven't been feeling well the last week. Was plowed by a cold, but today I am actually starting to feel much better. I know a lot of my "blahness" is pregnancy symptoms, but its all worth it. I'm sorry if you have sensed that or are feeling my cold. I've taken very little medication to help treat it, but had to resort to some safe meds in the last two days to help ease pain and stuffiness to allow me to sleep some.
Today you are pushing your little bottom out. It rests some against the right side of my rib cage and while I feel you, it is not uncomfortable. It's funny to watch you move about, though. Right now my belly is lopsided, but I am sure later this evening you will be bending your knees and kicking your feet. I think I could sit for hours watching you move below my skin. Daddy likes to talk to you when you are moving about. Sometimes, we can drum on my belly and you will kick back. It may simply be a coincidence, but it's fun to think that you are responding to us.
Your grandma gave your daddy a camcorder as a father's day gift, I think I will start taping your movements. Might be a cool thing for you to see when you are older, or you might find it creepy. You don't have to watch it, if you don't want to, but at least I was able to catch it on DVD.
Hadley, I love you and just can not wait for you to be here! Keep growing strong, kicking me whenever you'd like so I know you are well. We will see you very, very soon!
Much love,
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Interesting Facts
True or false, I find these interesting...
* During pregnancy, a woman's uterus expands to five hundred times it's normal size.
* Some people drink the urine of pregnant women to build their immune system. (Ewww...)
* Babies born in May are, on average, 200 grams heavier than babies born in other months.
* Up until about the fourth month, amniotic fluid is produced by the placenta. After the fourth month, the babies kidneys start working and amniotic fluid is made by their waste. (Our little ones are basically swimming in pee!)
* Whether your baby is a righty or a lefty is determined at approximately 10 weeks gestation.
100 Buzz Saws
Snoring... Apparently I've been a buzz saw lately and last night I was 100 buzz saws. Papa J slept on the couch because of my noisy breathing system. I feel so bad. I don't want to be that couple - I am banking on this issue going away after I deliver Hadley when this blood flow that causes my sinus cavities decreases and my uterus isn't sitting on my diaphram.
So I poked around online about this issue in pregnant women and it seems it isn't that uncommon. However, the Swedes did a study on snoring and pregnant women and came back with some alarming statistics:
* Some baby's of snoring mom's APGAR score was below 7
* Some baby's of snoring mom's suffer from retardation
* Some baby's of snoring mom's are low birth rate
I realize this is a small percentage and there are many other factors involved (high blood pressure, preclampsia, obesity), but its enough to make you panic as a new mom-to-be.
The internet can be evil sometimes.
In the mean time, I just spend some cash at the local pharmacy on Breathe Right strips and spray and will fire up the humidifier tonight.
So sorry Papa J.
Monday, June 2, 2008
Dear Little One #8
Dear Little One,
I just can't get over how strong you are. I feel you moving about all the time and I now understand what it feels like to have your feet tangled in my rib cage. You are growing so much now and I can hardly believe you will be here in a little over six weeks. I am anxious for you to come, but make a good effort to stay put for a few more weeks, despite my anxiousness.
We just returned from a long trip away from daddy. We met your grandma, uncle and great aunt in Grand Junction Colorado to work on cleaning out your grandpa's house, as well as scattering his ashes. The trip was emotional and laborious, but very very successful.
We put your grandpa to rest at the top of a hill that backs up to his home, known as the First Sister. I wasn't sure how well you and I would trek up that hill (it was much larger than just a hill), but we were successful in our hike (we actually beat everyone to the top). The scattering was perfect. A handful of his closest friends and family. We each took handfuls of his ashes and threw them into the wind. As we watched it swirl into the atmosphere, you could almost see his face. It's just how he would have wanted it. I miss him so much. I wish he were here to experience your development and meet you in a few short weeks.
After we finished up in Grand Junction, we all drove to his home in Las Vegas to drop a few things off and rest for the night. We will be moving here soon and I had fun looking at what will be your new bedroom. There is a lot of space for the three of us, and even room for visitors. There is also a pool and a big grassy yard for you to play.
The next morning, we came back to Southern California for our baby shower. It was a lovely event at Tree's house. The day was beautiful, the company was awesome and we received so many wonderful things to help us get ready for your arrival. I can't believe how many things you will require.
Daddy started reading to you last night. We don't know how much you will absorb (we might be overly excited to start doing this), but we think it is important to start now. We are having fun picking out books for you and we hope you will enjoy them as much as we do.
Hadley, keep on kicking me and showing me that you are there. I am so excited for you to arrive, but you much stay inside for a little while longer. We are in the home stretch here (and I am literally stretching by the day), before we know it we will be in the Maternity department of UCSF hours from your arrival. Till then, be warm and safe.
I love you.
Baby Shower
I experienced my first baby shower that I was not the planner nor a guest. It was perfect. Beautifully laid out in my childhood friend's back yard. Sprays of light pinks and browns - just the way I am leaning toward decor for our little one. The weather was perfect - sunny, not too hot, but warm enough to be outside in a tank top and skirt. The company was lovely and the gifts were generous. Thank you to all!
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Over the Horizon
So little one, you are coming so very soon. We are a mere 7 weeks away this Friday. I know the last 7.5 months have been nice, all safe and warm inside your Mom's belly. You and Mom are away from me right now. I miss you both terribly. Last week you had been kicking real good, no matter what position, and I talked to you and you settled down. It was the very first interraction we've had. I felt so close to you knowing I was soothing you to sleep. I will love reading you books and singing to you at night. Mom says her belly feels real big, even over the last week. You are getting much bigger and stronger, preparing to come out. Mom complains that she has trouble breathing sometimes because you are right up against her lungs with your feet and legs. Cut it out! Mom has enough issues without adding not being able to breather to the equation. Good...that's a good girl. Once you are outside you can kick all you want. I love you and will see you soon.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
...This is kind of a gross thing to me.
My bellybutton weirds me out - I don't like touching it or having someone else touch it. I watch it everyday as it creeps closer to the surface as my belly expands. It's getting close to popping out and I may come unglued when that happens. You see, I had a reoccurring nightmare for a long time that my bellybutton came undone (well, untied - I always thought they tied them, but I stand corrected) and all my insides became exposed. So you can imagine my unease...
Papa J and I attended a newborn care class last week. This was more for my benefit since I don't have much experience with newborns (I was pleased to realize that all the Cabbage Patch Kid diapers I changed as a kid paid off - just like riding a bike!).
A large topic was how to care for a healing belly button... What it will smell like. When to seek help. How to wash baby with a healing belly button. I realize there are many other things that can be considered "gross" with a newborn (e.g. tar like poop, then the mustard colored, seedy poop that is considered normal), but this is the thing that creeps me out the most.
My mind immediately went to an episode of "Sex and the City" when Miranda's baby boy, Brady, bellybutton falls off and the cat starts playing with the black stump - YUCK! I don't know what I'd do... wait for Papa J to get home for sure (although, it weirds him out just as much), but I might be inclined to call the pound or exterminator to come take care of it for me. Well, that's a little extreme (though I might tick off a list in my head of places to call first) and I would handle it myself (while gagging, I'm sure).
I know, I know... much bigger things to concern myself with, so I will attempt to put it out of mind (at least until my bellybutton pops out).
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Dear Little One #6
Dear Little One,
Today you and I visited the midwife to check on your progress and things couldn't be better. You are growing at a perfect rate, sitting in my belly properly, your heart is beating nice and strong and your effects on my body are just as they should. Every time we visit the midwife she is able to find your little heartbeat a little quicker than the last time, which puts my nerves at ease.
I have been seeing a midwife nurse who reports to a doctor since, at this point, the pregnancy is as low risk as it gets. I really like the midwife - very down to earth and calming. She puts any concerns I have at ease, which is wonderful with a first time worrier mom like me. I hope she will be available to deliver you into the world in July as I think she will be a nice face for you to see upon your entry to the outside world.
We received your stroller yesterday. I was so excited that I insisted on assembling it, even though you are not due for another three months. Your crib arrives on Monday and we can start assembling your new bedroom soon. I am very excited (and I think your dad is too). All of these things makes your pending arrival more real.
Daddy and I just returned from a trip to Oahu's North Shore. We spent a week swimming, playing on the beach, kayaking, snorkling and hiking together. It was such a wonderful, relaxing trip for both of us. We enjoyed watching you kick (I think you loved the beach and ocean as much as we did) and talking about what we will do when we bring you back to Oahu once you are big enough to enjoy it. I am so looking forward to that trip and seeing it through the eyes of a little person.
Hadley, I think about you every moment of every day. While it is still so unreal, I can not wait until you get here. So many people are excited about your arrival, but no one is more excited than your daddy and I. Keep on growing nice and strong and kick me all you want because it makes me feel good to know you are OK.
I love you.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Dear Little One #5
"Kick Daddy in the face!"I have said that countless times before, as I snuggle up to Mama's belly and talk to you. Only, last night, you actually heard me and I got a couple of kicks from you...right to the face. I am not sure if you actually did hear your daddy talking and you were inside, smiling, and kicking. I think it may be early at 27 weeks for you to be able to respond. Still, it's a nice thought that you are able to. It melts my heart thinking about you and how we will soon be able to see your face, hear your gurgles and yes, even the crying. Of course I am in the midst of persuading your Mom to be the one to always get up in the middle of the night to feed you and calm you down. Yeah right...that isn't going so well. Actually, I am going to put my foot in my mouth here, but I am looking forward to some alone time with you and look forward to getting up with you. When I have to wake to take care of you and you and I can hang out just the two of us...that will be fun. Your mom has had you all to herself and will have you most of the day so I will try to spend as much time with you as I can. I find myself sometimes staring into space imagining how things will be once you make our family complete. You are always in my thoughts Hadley. Daddly loves you so much. Talk to you later.
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Dear Little One #4
Dear Little One,
Today you are officially 25 full in-utero weeks old. I can't believe you will be here in the next 14 weeks. Daddy and I have started getting ready for you - arranging our apartment to create a nursery, washing your new little clothes that you will grow out of far too quickly, touring the hospital, enrolling in classes etc. 14 weeks seems like such a long time, but there is a lot to do before then. Your Grandma and Grandpa G sent a puzzle stool with your name on it, that we couldn't resist assembling and putting in the "Hadley" area (it's so cute, I can just imagine you sitting on it with your little pig-tales, reading a book).
I feel you swimming around my belly everyday. You seem to get the hiccups often, which, according to "What to Expect, When You're Expecting," is not uncomfortable for you, very normal and we do enjoy the entertainment. Sometimes I think that you must have a twin in there or you are stretched out completely, tickling both sides of my tummy. The doctor tells us there is just you, and we are so excited.
It's amazing how you can feel love for something so immediately. I've been in love with you since the moment I learned about you. Everyday that love grows more and more as my belly expands more and more (and it is expanding, as it should).
Hadley, I am counting the days, hours, minutes and seconds until your arrival. While I am frightened of the delivery process, I can't wait to be admitted to that hospital, hooked up to all of those monitors and know that your arrival is very close. I can't wait to meet you, to hold you in my arms, to see your daddy hold you (he is jealous that I get to carry you inside of me and feel you all day) and to introduce you to the rest of your family and our friends who have been anxiously awaiting your arrival. Keep on growing strong and healthy, giving me some good left hooks in the rib cage from time to time so I know you are there.
Much love,
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Other things they don't tell you about being pregnant...
11. Foot growth! I'm a tall girl already, therefore I already have big feet. They've now expanded a whole size, to the degree I had to buy new shoes. I hear they might not go back down :(
12. Severe exhaustion: I just returned from a pleasure trip to New York City and I've never been so exhausted. I have visited several times and I feel that this time I did half of what I normally do, but my feet and body were beyond done.
13. Perineal massage: Just received the third trimester packet and this little exercise frightens me (but will probably benefit me in the big picture).
14. On the plus side: An express ticket to any bathroom! Like I said, I was just in New York and was able to visit the ladies room at The Plaza Hotel and at the Met (without paying).
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
10 Things They Don't Tell You About Pregnancy
1. You are actually pregnant for ten months, not nine! On that same note, they actually consider you pregnant before you actually conceived.
Papa's take: Wednesday marked 5 months since our first date. Doctor says we are 5 1/2 months pregnant. Do the math!!
2. No soft cheese! I already knew about no raw fish, caffeine or alcohol, but no soft cheese?
3. Bladder leakage. This is a fun thing I have recently learned about after a sneeze in a public place.
Papa's take: Ask Mama about the gym! Just ask!
4. The appetite of a five year old. I figured I'd have some nausea, maybe some up-chuck, but I didn't think I'd become finicky. Up until the last couple of weeks, my diet consisted of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, cheese pizza, apples, mint chip ice cream, crackers and Fruity Pebbles.
5. Massive boobs. I figured they'd grow a bit, but from a B to a D! Whoa! And they are supposed to get bigger once the baby comes?
Papa's take: Daddy likes:)
6. Quick gag reflex. It doesn't take much these days to make me gag. Just telling me a somewhat gross story will get me started with the dry heaves (and on a couple of occasions, has sent me running to the bathroom!)
Papa's take: Hmmm...maybe I shouldn't go there!
7. Gas. I can no longer claim that I don't ever fart. Guess what everyone, I do!
Papa's take: It took 5 months but Mama let one slip in my presence...classic!
8. Occasional shortness of breath. Some days I can do 30 minutes on the elliptical machine no problem, others, I can barely climb the one flight of stairs to our apartment.
9. Acid Reflux. Nuf' said.
10. Snoring. I don't think I've ever snored before, but apparently now I'm a chain saw (this weeks sound is that of a choo choo train).
Papa's take: is making me consider ear plugs.
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Dear Little One #3
Mama asked me tonight "Do you think we are doing everything right?" She was thinking that the occasional diet pepsi she had was bad for you and she was feeling guilty for it. To ease her mind we read through a baby book and learned that doctors don't worry about caffeine consumption unless you drink more than 3 cups of coffee or its equivalent a day. So no need to worry Mama! Everytime we see you with an utlrasound we are amazed at how healthy you seem to be. You are growing ahead of schedule and your legs are so very long. What an active little thing you are too. The technician who did the 4D ultrasound said you were more active than normal. I wonder if that means you'll be running us ragged. I bet you end up walking faster than the other kids. With all that energy you have you'll end up channeling it and pushing yourself to do things quickly, like crawl, walk and then run. Just remember that sometimes you can get in such a rush to see things, and do things, that you miss out on what is right in front of you. Take time to yourself. Slow things down. Color in your books or pick some flowers for Mom. I will try to show you what the world has to offer but I can only take you so far and show you so much, but your imagination can take you anywhere you'd like. See the clouds, the rainbows and the rabbit running in the fields. Notice the old man feeding the pigeons and watch Sesame Street with your old man. Never worry about being too silly with your Mom and me. We are very silly too. Of course there is a time and place for silliness and we will expect you to behave when we are out and about. You mind your mother when she asks you to do something. Just because you act like a big girl when we are out shopping or visiting with friends doesn't mean that you can't carry that silly girl you can be inside. You will know when to let her out. It'll just feel right. Do me one favor though, try and get mommy's silly little girl to come out more than it does. She has been through a lot could use some more playing and laughing, no matter where she is or who she's around. I am sure between the two of us we can manage to do that. Did I tell you that Mommy is very ticklish? Yes indeed. She is a big fan of feet touching. Do it often!
I love you Hadley
I love you Hadley
Friday, March 14, 2008
One of the lovely things about being pregnant is the constant feeling of fat. It's an age old complaint, but now I get it. I've never been tiny, I'm 5'9" and that is just not possible, but I've never seen myself as fat (though, I've probably complained that I felt that way). But now, I just plain feel fat, hungry and just not cute. People say I'm "glowing," but I just don't see it.
Moms out there: Any advice on how to feel pretty for the next four months before our beautiful little arrival?
Thanks for your help!
- The Fat Pregnant Bellyacher
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Dear Little One #2
Okay kiddo. I have a confession to make. I am what you might call...a sports fanatic. The reason you need to know this is because the love of competition and athletics is something I will expose you to from day one. You will be wearing a Red Sox hat quite a bit...maybe for the first time when we take you home from the hospital...if your mom will let me. I am giddy thinking of you with a little Steelers jersey on too. A pink one if you are a girl! Over the years you will sit with me when I watch games and witness the most bizzare behavior. You may see some jumping up and down...some I beg for my players to perform at the best of their ability...and some anger as I shout with frustration that my beloved team is losing or performing poorly. Hopefully in time you too will exhibit the same behavior. Now I don't expect you to root for the same teams as me. You can cheer for any team that you'd long as it's the Red Sox and Steelers!!!
As a boy, your daddy and your uncle 'S' were always outside running around, climbing trees, and playing sports. Your grandma started me off when I was still in diapers. She used to soft pitch me the ball and I instinctively could hit. From those early days, before I even knew what sports were, I knew I enjoyed playing them more than anything else. Maybe it was because I was four years younger than my older brother (Uncle 'S') and I could actually play with and hold my own against the big boys and that when I did, your uncle would look at me and brag about his little brother's athletic abilities. Or, maybe it was because I wasn't close to your grandpa at the time and sports and the friends I made when playing filled some void a boy without a father's influence had. Whatever it was, I was hooked and couldn't get enough. My first love was baseball. Loved it. The first time I was put on the pitchers mound when I was five years old I could hear all the dad's commenting on how good I was and since I didn't have my dad around it was nice to hear those types of things to remind me that I was special...something a boy without his dad needs. So I had found the thing that set me apart from other boys. I was a really good pitcher. Later on in life I continued to play. I played all through little league, into highschool, college and then as an adult. I always admired the major leaguers who I wanted to be like and become one day. They were my heroes and despite not ever realizing the dream of playing in the pros, I never stray far from the game either by going to the ballpark, playing in the park or watching on television. Baseball is just a huge part of my life.
Today I met up with some like minded friends to conduct a fantasy baseball draft. This is where you all get together and pretend you are the owner/coach of real players and compete with the other "owner" to see who can build the best team. It is quite involved and makes me somewhat of a geek but I love it and hope you will learn to love it too as there is a father and son who "play" in my league and they seem to enjoy themselves immensely. There we all sat, shouting out our bids for the players we wanted. Back and forth until our rosters were full. Over the course of the season, the real players statistics and we see who put together the best collection of players. Basically we want to prove who knows the most about baseball. The players, the ballparks, the managers. There is a lot of luck involved which adds to the degree of difficulty. So far your dad has proven to be one miserable fantasy baseball player. Hopefully that will change. I think I had a good draft. The whole process makes watching games much more interesting and keeps you busy all summer througout the season.
Now when I was still a young boy I fell in love with a second sport. Basketball. The Boston Celtics were really good back in the 1980s and Larry Bird was one of the best players. I quickly learned the game and excelled...though I wasn't tall and was never quite as good at it as I was in baseball. Still, I played a lot, either on teams or just with my friends in the park. It was the daily hours I put on the court that enabled me to shed the baby fat I had from my early teen years. I will still watch games on television when I can.
Although I was never gifted with a certain type of body that would make me a good football player, and thus never closest friends did and I grew to love the game so that to this day I prefer to watch football more than any other sport. There is just something magical about the exploits of professional athletes and the dreams boys have as a child to do what they do that can't ever be explained. You will see what I mean when you get bigger. I also play fantasy football just like for baseball. The difference is I am quite good at it and have won many times. There is a little more male banter that goes into fantasy football. Perhaps it's due to the nature of the sport. Bigger guys, big hits...more testosterone. We tease each other more and talk a whole lot of smack. It's real fun and I can't wait for it to begin every year. My favorite team the Pittsburgh Steelers won the superbowl a couple years ago but they aren't looking so hot nowadays. So you might see me getting animated and yelling at the TV screen. It's all in good fun. I try not to take it too seriously as it's just a game. I try not to.
I don't want you to ever think you have to play sports or enjoy them to make me happy. I want you to feel passionate about whatever it is that makes you happy. I will show you how to play if you are interested. If not, there are many things I like to do and learned to love that didn't involve sports. It is just one thing among many that we will have the opportunity to do together and I will love you whether you are a shortstop, a writer, a musician or just someone who hides away in their room reading or watching movies.
Your mom and I are quite active and we'd love it if you'd join us. Whether it is going on hikes, riding bikes, rock climbing or working out with weights. When you get older you alone will decide if these are things you'd like to do. Just don't be too surprised when you look back at your baby pictures if you see yourself wearing jerseys and all of us at the ballpark. Because until you have a choice in the matter I am going on the assumption that the apple doesn't fall far from the tree and you will love sports as much as your old man doesn.
I love you
As a boy, your daddy and your uncle 'S' were always outside running around, climbing trees, and playing sports. Your grandma started me off when I was still in diapers. She used to soft pitch me the ball and I instinctively could hit. From those early days, before I even knew what sports were, I knew I enjoyed playing them more than anything else. Maybe it was because I was four years younger than my older brother (Uncle 'S') and I could actually play with and hold my own against the big boys and that when I did, your uncle would look at me and brag about his little brother's athletic abilities. Or, maybe it was because I wasn't close to your grandpa at the time and sports and the friends I made when playing filled some void a boy without a father's influence had. Whatever it was, I was hooked and couldn't get enough. My first love was baseball. Loved it. The first time I was put on the pitchers mound when I was five years old I could hear all the dad's commenting on how good I was and since I didn't have my dad around it was nice to hear those types of things to remind me that I was special...something a boy without his dad needs. So I had found the thing that set me apart from other boys. I was a really good pitcher. Later on in life I continued to play. I played all through little league, into highschool, college and then as an adult. I always admired the major leaguers who I wanted to be like and become one day. They were my heroes and despite not ever realizing the dream of playing in the pros, I never stray far from the game either by going to the ballpark, playing in the park or watching on television. Baseball is just a huge part of my life.
Today I met up with some like minded friends to conduct a fantasy baseball draft. This is where you all get together and pretend you are the owner/coach of real players and compete with the other "owner" to see who can build the best team. It is quite involved and makes me somewhat of a geek but I love it and hope you will learn to love it too as there is a father and son who "play" in my league and they seem to enjoy themselves immensely. There we all sat, shouting out our bids for the players we wanted. Back and forth until our rosters were full. Over the course of the season, the real players statistics and we see who put together the best collection of players. Basically we want to prove who knows the most about baseball. The players, the ballparks, the managers. There is a lot of luck involved which adds to the degree of difficulty. So far your dad has proven to be one miserable fantasy baseball player. Hopefully that will change. I think I had a good draft. The whole process makes watching games much more interesting and keeps you busy all summer througout the season.
Now when I was still a young boy I fell in love with a second sport. Basketball. The Boston Celtics were really good back in the 1980s and Larry Bird was one of the best players. I quickly learned the game and excelled...though I wasn't tall and was never quite as good at it as I was in baseball. Still, I played a lot, either on teams or just with my friends in the park. It was the daily hours I put on the court that enabled me to shed the baby fat I had from my early teen years. I will still watch games on television when I can.
Although I was never gifted with a certain type of body that would make me a good football player, and thus never closest friends did and I grew to love the game so that to this day I prefer to watch football more than any other sport. There is just something magical about the exploits of professional athletes and the dreams boys have as a child to do what they do that can't ever be explained. You will see what I mean when you get bigger. I also play fantasy football just like for baseball. The difference is I am quite good at it and have won many times. There is a little more male banter that goes into fantasy football. Perhaps it's due to the nature of the sport. Bigger guys, big hits...more testosterone. We tease each other more and talk a whole lot of smack. It's real fun and I can't wait for it to begin every year. My favorite team the Pittsburgh Steelers won the superbowl a couple years ago but they aren't looking so hot nowadays. So you might see me getting animated and yelling at the TV screen. It's all in good fun. I try not to take it too seriously as it's just a game. I try not to.
I don't want you to ever think you have to play sports or enjoy them to make me happy. I want you to feel passionate about whatever it is that makes you happy. I will show you how to play if you are interested. If not, there are many things I like to do and learned to love that didn't involve sports. It is just one thing among many that we will have the opportunity to do together and I will love you whether you are a shortstop, a writer, a musician or just someone who hides away in their room reading or watching movies.
Your mom and I are quite active and we'd love it if you'd join us. Whether it is going on hikes, riding bikes, rock climbing or working out with weights. When you get older you alone will decide if these are things you'd like to do. Just don't be too surprised when you look back at your baby pictures if you see yourself wearing jerseys and all of us at the ballpark. Because until you have a choice in the matter I am going on the assumption that the apple doesn't fall far from the tree and you will love sports as much as your old man doesn.
I love you
Friday, March 7, 2008
Dear Little One #1
Dear Little One,
Today you are officially a full 20 prenatal weeks old. We can hardly believe that you will be here in 20 weeks (give or take a few days). You are approximately 12 ounces (probably a little bigger) and I am starting to feel your kicking presence more and more. It excites me so much that I find myself waiting for you to knock on my belly. I can't wait until I feel you frequently and your daddy will be able to feel you also. Over the next several weeks, you will grow eight (hopefully no more - please don't hurt mom too much) times your size.
Little One, life has handed me some life changing events over the last few months, you being one of them. New love, deep love, excitement and loss. I keep thinking the course of events must be a dream, but they are real and, to some degree, I can only explain them as divine.
This past September 2007, my father, your grandpa was diagnosed with cancer, a type known as T-Cell Lymphoma in very late stages. The doctors worked hard to make him well and started him on chemotherapy, which he seemed to be responding well.
After spending a great deal of time with him at his home in Colorado, I came home and officially met your daddy. We connected and became inseparable immediately, falling deeply in love. Not too long after, you were created, and while it was not the typical course of action in relationships, we were thrilled to learn of your creation and to start our lives together.
I shared the news slowly with my family (your daddy was so excited he called him family immediately), rolling out to your grandma (my mom) and once we knew you were safe and sound in my womb, we told your grandpa (my dad) and uncle (my younger brother). They are all so excited and a special bond has already been created between you and these three very special people, as well as your grandma(s), grandpa and aunts on your daddy's side. You are one loved little creature, our hearts are all bursting!
In December, we learned that grandpa's chemotherapy was no longer working and the doctor's needed to try a different medication to fight the disease more aggressively. This taxed his energy even more, but your uncle and I were able to spend a wonderful Christmas with him at his home. That Christmas will live forever in our hearts, as shortly after we celebrated the holiday the doctor's told us that there just wasn't anything more that they could do to help grandpa. He made the decision to enter a hospice program and spend his remaining days at his home.
Little one, I can't tell you how profoundly sad and frightened I was. I wouldn't wish that feeling on anyone, but the fact of the matter is, death is as part of life as birth is and you will probably have to face that feeling at some point in your life. You will feel like you just can't go on, but I promise that you will. In fact, you will take many lessons from the experience, just as I have. Do your very best to embrace them and learn from them.
Your uncle and I spent grandpa's final day's with him at his home in Colorado, with the assistance of his very close friends and the help of the local hospice. He passed away very peacefully, listening to Van Morrisson, surrounded by your uncle and I, and four of his close friends. If people can orchestrate their deaths, he did it perfectly. It even started to snow when the funeral home came to pick him up. Watching him exhale his last breath was not scary, it was an honor to be a witness of. He was there for my first breath and I was there for his last.
While it's against a lot of my sensibilities that I have held for much of my life, I like to believe that he is able to walk this earth and observe what is going on. Perhaps with his dad (my grandpa and your great-grandpa) and his dog Mack. Before he passed, he asked often about you and, in his way, promised to watch over us. You have a very special bond with this man that you never met. I wish you could have known him, I could imagine him holding you and singing you the "Love's Ribs" song, as he sang to me when I was born. I promise to tell you all about him as he was such a special person who I was incredibly close to. Whether he is able to walk this earth or not, he lives forever in our hearts.
Next week we are going in for a 4D ultrasound in hopes of figuring out if you are a boy or a girl! We are so excited and can't wait to start planning for you. Baby shower planning is already in the works by several of my very close girlfriends and your daddy and I are starting to plan how the three of us will live in our home. There is so much to do before your arrival, but we can't wait till you get here, ready or not!
Much love,
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Impatiently Waiting
So my better half has filled you in a bit about what is going on in our little world. Yes we are expecting our first child and we are absolutely thrilled! So to say this story unfolded in an unorthodox way is an understatement. Conception was magic. No...I didn't pull a rabbit out of a hat (how funny would that have been though?). It was just the right time. When two people are connected and their lives have prepared them to recognize that they have finally met the one.
So in the midst of this excitement of feeling like you just conquered the dating game...we discover our 'efforts' have blessed us with a baby. Whoa! Seriously? about getting to know one another a little better. Maybe do some traveling, going out on the town with no inhibitions, or the occasional yoga session or even rock climbing. Well, some of those things will just need to wait for now. Being pregnant won't allow it. But on the flip side, we have grown so much closer because of it. Some would say too close as Mama C is ever expanding and our poor full size bed is shrinking daily. Sadly, I think I may have put on more weight than her so most of the blame lies with me.
Well, we are here now. We are half way there and my patience wanes by the second. I can't wait to meet this kid! We still don't know if it's a girl or boy, but either way it is going to be off the hook! I have some experience with babies, especially girls as I have three little sisters. I love them dearly and can totally see letting our little princess wrap me around her finger. But alas, I think of what it would be like to have a son and it feels totally different. Different species all together. My boy! My little rugrat. Wrestling, teaching him how to throw a curveball, how to fail at math...the thoughts of a son seem to run rampant in my head. I will truly be happy either way. A girl just scares me because my heart may burst with love and I don't know if I can remain the man I am this day if it's a girl. I don't will just floor me....
Stay tuned for more folks. I will post frequently about our trials and tribulations. Our laughter, our tears and everything in between. The next four months will be wild. We'll feel our baby moving, I will be hoping chicken appeals more to Mama C, and our nesting will be bring us ready for this new additon to our family. Can't wait! Good night for now.
So in the midst of this excitement of feeling like you just conquered the dating game...we discover our 'efforts' have blessed us with a baby. Whoa! Seriously? about getting to know one another a little better. Maybe do some traveling, going out on the town with no inhibitions, or the occasional yoga session or even rock climbing. Well, some of those things will just need to wait for now. Being pregnant won't allow it. But on the flip side, we have grown so much closer because of it. Some would say too close as Mama C is ever expanding and our poor full size bed is shrinking daily. Sadly, I think I may have put on more weight than her so most of the blame lies with me.
Well, we are here now. We are half way there and my patience wanes by the second. I can't wait to meet this kid! We still don't know if it's a girl or boy, but either way it is going to be off the hook! I have some experience with babies, especially girls as I have three little sisters. I love them dearly and can totally see letting our little princess wrap me around her finger. But alas, I think of what it would be like to have a son and it feels totally different. Different species all together. My boy! My little rugrat. Wrestling, teaching him how to throw a curveball, how to fail at math...the thoughts of a son seem to run rampant in my head. I will truly be happy either way. A girl just scares me because my heart may burst with love and I don't know if I can remain the man I am this day if it's a girl. I don't will just floor me....
Stay tuned for more folks. I will post frequently about our trials and tribulations. Our laughter, our tears and everything in between. The next four months will be wild. We'll feel our baby moving, I will be hoping chicken appeals more to Mama C, and our nesting will be bring us ready for this new additon to our family. Can't wait! Good night for now.
20 Weeks and Counting
I've officially hit the five month mark and I still can't believe it. In 20 more weeks (yah, that crazy lunar calendar thing), I will be a mommy! We will be parents. We will be responsible for another life. A precious life. A life we created. I couldn't be more thrilled!
A career driven, self-proclaimed work-aholic, life took me by the shoulders this year and gave me a big shake...
Not only did I meet the man I am wildly in love with, will soon be calling my husband and we are also expecting our first little one, but my father was diagnosed with a nasty form of cancer and lost his battle in late January. We are literally dealing with life's extremes - life and death. Fortunately, my father knew he was going to be a grandpa for the first time and he had a wonderful time bragging about our new family members (Baby and Proud Papa). In fact, he asked me about the baby often days before his passing. I feel like this little being that is growing (and now starting to kick) inside of me has a very special bond with her (or his - threw that one in for you Proud Papa) grandpa and I couldn't be more thrilled given the circumstances this little being has already had to go through.
Enough of the sad stuff...
Pregnancy has been an interesting journey for me. I've always wanted children, often thought I would adopt, but inside knew I wanted to experience the magic that is pregnancy someday. However, it scared me. And here we are, taking it day by day, symptom by symptom, increasing waist and boobs, while begging my mommy friends to spare me the scary details until I absolutely must know. Fears aside, I couldn't be more excited or more ready for the adventure that is parenthood (and really, the pregnancy thing hasn't been as frightening as I built it up to be in my head - though, the belly-button popping out thing freaks me out!)!
The first few months were interesting... well, I should say food became an interesting challenge. Chicken turned disgusting and activated the gag reflex. Caffeine cravings were grueling. No alcohol. No sushi. No soft cheese. Suddenly, I am eating like a three year old - cheese pizza, PB&J, apples, juice, crackers and ice cream. Oh, and what is the craving for Sour Patch Kids about?
Crazy appetite aside, baby has been doing as well as could be! The heart beat is strong and easy to find. The risk for having any genetic diseases couldn't be lower. And the last ultrasound (almost) two weeks a go gave us some wonderful picture of our little one. We are told that our "baby is growing good." However, we were disappointed when the little one wouldn't show us her/his "bits" (as Papa J likes to call it). Well, he/she wasn't really being modest, the umbilical chord was blocking where the parts are. Now, we are so excited that we have made an appointment at a fancy 4D ultrasound place who can do a gender identification for us.
This post is the first of many on our "Pregnant Bellyaching" blog. Expect posts from me, The Pregnant Bellyacher (mom-to-be) as well as Proud Papa (dad-to-be). He has some interesting counters on how to deal with a hormonal, food finicky pregnant woman. So please check in on our bellyaching from time to time! Should be entertaining.
Bye for now!
- The Pregnant Bellyacher (PB)
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