Saturday, April 5, 2008

Other things they don't tell you about being pregnant...

11. Foot growth!  I'm a tall girl already, therefore I already have big feet.  They've now expanded a whole size, to the degree I had to buy new shoes.  I hear they might not go back down :(  

12.  Severe exhaustion:  I just returned from a pleasure trip to New York City and I've never been so exhausted.  I have visited several times and I feel that this time I did half of what I normally do, but my feet and body were beyond done.

13. Perineal massage: Just received the third trimester packet and this little exercise frightens me (but will probably benefit me in the big picture).

14. On the plus side: An express ticket to any bathroom!  Like I said, I was just in New York and was able to visit the ladies room at The Plaza Hotel and at the Met (without paying).

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